Episode 53: Is Travel Coming Back Soon?


Many things were taken away from during the pandemic, jobs, loved ones, freedom, socializing, and travel. I can spend literally an hour listing down everything I’ve lost in the past two years. I travel for a living, and I help people travel too — this has been in my DNA since I was a teenager. I want to tell you and I want you to be hopeful that traveling and exploring the world is slowly coming back. Little by little things are returning back to normal in Europe, the US, and some other parts of the world, and I know it’s just a matter of time when we can traverse countries like the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar again. I know it’s frustrating, and some days we don’t have patience anymore, but trust me better days are coming when we will #MeetTheWorld again. Follow @accesstravelph for travel updates, restrictions and reservations. Visit www.travelwithaccess.com for more details.


Episode 54: #CEOTalks Rizza of Lana and Mink


Episode 52: How to Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle