Productive Habits

Being productive is not as easy as it sounds nor is it something you can just turn on when you want to like a light switch. It should be a task you practice that would eventually become as natural as breathing. Now, to gain that level of productivity is a long process, you really need to commit yourself to accomplishing things. Everything starts at the beginning with small steps and as the saying goes, your thoughts lead to words and then actions, then habits, which then make your character.

Kick it off by devoting yourself to be productive, say you want to be productive, make it your mantra or motto. Tell yourself in the morning as you look in the mirror that you will be productive. Then begin by completing small tasks at hand, work your way to the bigger objectives depending on your priority. Practice it so that minimal acts help you in completing more goals. Make it a habit to be focused on accomplishing things daily. Don’t forget to take breaks though, there’s nothing wrong with taking a breather but there it is a mistake to let fatigue affect your work.

A simple method I practice making a habit of is to list and organize all the things I need to complete and allot time for each one, and then I drive myself into making sure I’m on track and on time in doing these things. It’s okay not to be on schedule but this is just a little trick I do to manage my time, it simply helps me be aware of my time and set deadlines for myself. This may not be the strategy for everybody so go make your own, something that both motivates and helps solidify you in being productive.

An important thing to factor in when making your own system, is to make sure that the system is organized. Make a flow of things so that you don’t keep changing energy in-between different tasks, and on that note, don’t overwork yourself by multi-tasking. It seems like a quick way to get things done but it can get chaotic and makes it faster for you to burn out. Always remember to start from the beginning and to tackle things one at a time. Slow progress is still progress, and eventually you’ll be doing this more often and more naturally until your habits for productivity evolve into productivity being your habit, making your character a productive one. 

Nothing will work unless you do.
— Angely Dub

Episode 33 : A Decade of Traveling and Entrepreneurship


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